Sarah’s 5,000km ride for charity

Last week Sarah Wheeler rode her horse about 350 kilometRES from Rowena, through Walgett, Brewarrina, Bourke and Enngonia, raising money for charity.
That’s nothing compared to the 5,500 km trip she
has planned, but Sarah is a ‘woman-on-a-horse-with-a-mission.’
Sarah is one of four girls, raised on a broadacre cropping property at Rowena.
In 2010, Sarah’s father Gavin passed away suddenly at 46 years of age, from an enlarged heart.
Her mother Therese passed away in 2022, five months after a stage 4 bile duct cancer diagnosis.
These tragedies prompted Sarah to raise money for the Pancare Foundation to make a difference to the lives of those affected by upper gastrointestinal cancers.
Each year, more than 12,400 Australians are diagnosed with these cancers which have some of the lowest survival rates out of all the major cancers.[
To achieve her goal, Sarah is travelling 5,500 kilometres on horseback with her horses Sally and Shifty. It is an epic journey she calls ‘The Outback Long Ride’. […]
Read more in the printed edition of The Western Herald.
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