Outback Councils refuseto take on state government assets
Requests from the Auditor General’s office that Bourke Shire Council include rural firefighting equipment in their asset register have been met with a firm “no” from council.
And Brewarrina and Walgett Councils have taken a similar stance.
As far back as 2021, Bourke Shire Council did not recognise the Rural Fire Service red fleet assets in its financial statements.
This led to comments being made under the “Significant Audit Issues and Observations” section of the Auditor General’s letter to the Bourke Mayor, saying that rural firefighting equipment, specifically the red fleet vehicles, are controlled by the Council and should be recognised in their financial statements.
Bourke Shire Council has a different view on the matter.
“They’re simply not ours,” Bourke Shire Council General Manager Leonie Brown said. “We don’t own them, we don’t buy them, we don’t insure or register these vehicles.” […]
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