Opportunities on offer at Bourke Abattoir

Fears the North Bourke abattoir would be a white elephant have finally been laid to rest.
Today, a page full of abattoir jobs has been advertised inf The Western Herald.
There has been a surge of interest in the facility after a new owner emerged which is committed to making the plant part of their highly successful global meat processing and distribution business.
A raft of career opportunities has been advertised locally and the future looks bright.
The new owner – Thomas Foods International – is a South Australian company with big plans for the Bourke plant.
National Livestock Manager, Paul Leonard, has been in Bourke to meet locals at a goat industry event, where 90 people attended.
Mr Leonard said he was impressed with the response and is now looking at how to attract local people to take up the many jobs on offer.
“We had a fantastic introduction to the local community at the goat industry day, and I thank Gemma Turnbull for organising that,” Mr Leonard said.
“The feedback from locals was positive, there were a variety of speakers, and we had the opportunity to state our vision for Bourke, and to invite everyone for a tour of the facility.”
Thomas Foods International is the largest small stock processor in Australia, operating three other major plants – one in South Australia, one in Stawell in Victoria, and a plant in Tamworth that processes around ten thousand small stock, six days a week.
The company is also rebuilding its Murray Bridge beef processing facility which burnt down four years ago, and combined, the company processes 100,000 sheep, lambs, and goats every week.
Mr Leonard said the purchase of the Bourke facility was not on their radar due to commitments of the Murray Bridge rebuild and purchase of the Stawell facility when the North Bourke meat works first came on the market.
“But when it came around this time, it was a case of now or never,” he said.
Read more local news in the printed edition of The Western Herald.
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