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Opals are in Savannah’s blood

Lightning Ridge Opal Queen Savannah Chesworth has completed her first trip as ambassador for Lightning Ridge. Photo contributed

Lightning Ridge Opal Queen

Only a week after being crowned as Opal Queen at the Lightning Ridge Opal Festival, 18-year-old Savannah Chesworth has completed her first ‘royal’ task.

With her partner, Savannah attended the Opal Trade Show on the Gold Coast last week.

“I was at the Show for two days and got to hang around and chat to everyone as well as get photos and draw raffles,” Savannah said.

“It was just about being there and representing the Ridge. There were a lot of people from Lightning Ridge there as well, mostly with stalls for the trade show.”

The next move for Savannah, who has lived in Lightning Ridge her whole life, is to head out opal hunting.

“I’m going out with my brother and his partner, Charlie,” she said.

“We mine all over the place, around town and the local opal fields. My family has a bit of an opal mining background and I really enjoy it.

With a big a connection to Lightning Ridge’s most famous export, it’s not surprising Savannah won the Opal Queen crown – something she initially wasn’t planning to enter. […]

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