Nominations in for Bourke, Bre and Walgett Councils

Local Government elections are fast approaching with councils going into caretaker mode on Friday 16 August.
During the caretaker period, the routine business of council continues but no significant new decisions, appointments or contractual commitments are made. The caretaker period finishes on Friday, September 13th, the day before the election.
Nominations for councillors in NSW closed yesterday (August 14), and as of Tuesday evening (August 13) several nominations had been lodged for election as councillors on the Bourke, Brewarrina or Walgett Shire Councils.
At Bourke where 10 councillors are to be elected, nominations had been received from sitting councillors Grace Ridge, Sally Davis, Victor Bartley, Bob Stutsel, Cecil Dorrington, Lachlan Ford and Nathan Ryan. Three new nominations had also been received from Maxime Nina, Patricia Bates-Canty and Frank Kerr.
Bourke’s current Mayor, Barry Hollman has already indicated that he will not be nominating as a councillor.
On Tuesday afternoon, Brewarrina had received seven nominations for nine positions – six from sitting councillors Vivian Slack-Smith, Trish Frail, Tommy Stanton, Angelo Pippos, Isaac Gordon and Douglas Gordon, plus a new nomination from Michael Pederson.
At Walgett, there were four new nominations from Katie Hook, Jo Coleman, Pauline Kearl and Mary Purse, and sitting councillors Michael Cook, Alfred Seaton, Jasen Ramien and Gregory Rummery had also nominated. Walgett also has nine positions to be filled. […]
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