Murray Cronin appointed as Executive Principal

Tricia Duffield
Bourke High School
Bourke High School’s newly appointed Executive Principal, Murray Cronin, has spent his career learning not just the protocols of leading a teaching team, but the ideals of a whole-of-community approach to education.
Mr Cronin has taught in schools in Tasmania, England, China, and Melbourne and brings his life experience and learned insights to his role as Bourke High School’s Executive Principal.
He has been in Bourke for three years and said he feels a deep connection with the town, the people who call it home and the students in his care.
Mr Cronin was offered the role as ‘relieving’ Executive Principal when former Principal, Rob Bourke, retired in Term Two, and said he was excited about the future and what he could achieve - with the community at his side.
“I have deeply held beliefs about the importance of the community supporting a school,” Mr Cronin said.
“The isolation of Bourke was a great drawcard, and the second drawcard was the Connected Communities model, which works on the principle that the school is a hub for the community, and you are working with people not just inside the school fence, but outside the fence to get the best from your students.
“The more that students and community can work together, the more we can wrap our arms around our young people, the better the outcomes.
“I believe we should have our school check-in at the levee, because we are constantly engaging with people outside the fence to wrap as much support around our kids and it makes complete sense to work together to get the best for them.
“The idea of working in a connected community school and working in an Aboriginal community was something I hadn’t experienced before and I wanted that as part of my professional capacity.
“Since starting here I have learnt more than you could imagine about what it is that communities do to support Aboriginal students, and I have learnt so much about their culture, history, and identity.[…]
Read more in the printed edition of The Western Herald.
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