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Hands off our hospitals!

Chair of the Far North West Joint Organisation of Councils, Councillor Lilliane Brady has raised significant concerns at proposed changes to Visiting Medical Officer services to the hospitals at Bourke, Cobar, and Walgett areas.

These changes, included in tender documents for VMO services proposed by the Western Local Health District, may mean a doctor will only be available at hospitals from 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday.

“A shift to a Virtual Rural Generalist Service outside of business hours is totally inadequate for our communities”, Councillor Brady said.

Councillor Brady, who is also Mayor of Cobar Shire Council said that any reduction in face to face service for a Visiting Medical Officer is not a satisfactory alternative health service for the residents of the Far North Western region of NSW and will be a major reduction in the services that we currently experience.

“There has been little or no consultation with local councils on this approach, and we are closest to the people in our communities and are elected to represent their issues and concerns about far-fetched, impracticable proposals like these”, Clr Brady said.

Chair of the Far North West Joint Organisation of Councils, Councillor Lilliane Brady. Photo TWH

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