Gunni-Thakun Corroboree 2023, Gundabooka National Park – a celebration of song dance and stories

“It was a spiritual experience –a celebration of song, dance, and stories. It brings us closer to our ancestors. It builds pride and fosters a sense of belonging among our people.”
These were the words of James Moore and the other organisers of the huge corroboree held at Redbank Homestead of Gundabooka National Park on Saturday night.
The corroboree was led by Mark Merritt, James Moore, and the Gunni-Thakun Association and approximately 500 people attended, including people who travelled from all over Australia – some from as far away as Melbourne, Tasmania, Nowra and Cherbourg.
“The ‘Gunni-Thakun Corroboree’ is the culmination of many mobs working together in unity with the intention of running an annual, inclusive, and widely supported community event,” James said.
James explained that, in understanding the importance of sharing cultural knowledge and traditional practices, this corroboree event is a way of giving back to the community for their support in protecting country and the local special sites.
Read more in the printed edition of The Western Herald.
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