Dean brings interactive learning to the bush

Former Bourke boy, Dean Jackson, who was born in Bourke as part of the Muruwari people, has been in Bourke adding IT value to local schools
Some years ago, Dean set up his own company – Indigitech Pty Ltd – in Brisbane.
The company provides a range of IT, contracting and consulting services across Australia, but Dean was in Bourke and other outback centres last week on a different mission.
Dean says that one of his goals has been to return to his birthplace to help in education services for children and adults in the Bourke and surrounding communities.
Last week, Dean’s company donated and installed five Promethean Interactive Display Units with learning aids, in classrooms around Bourke and Brewarrina shires – at Weilmoringle Public School, Bourke’s St Ignatius Parish School, Goodooga Public School, The Spirit Program at Bourke and at the Centre of Excellence and Wellbeing.
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