Cotton harvest delayed due to rain

bumper cotton harvest at Bourke and Brewarrina has been delayed again due to the good rainfall last week.
At Darling Farms, just west of Bourke, Farm Manager, Jon Carter said he is expecting a good yield as he looked out over the fields, brimming with cotton bolls glimmering like stars in the night sky.
“The only problem is picking it and getting it off with all this rain because as well as all the rain we’ve had, they’re saying that it’s going to be a wet winter,” he said.
Australia, the land of drought and flooding rains, has always enjoyed making life difficult for its farmers.
One year, the farmer looks over dry plains and prays for the rain to come; another year, he looks up to the heavens and begs for it to cease.
Due to the inconvenient timing of this year’s rainfall, Darling Farms management has been forced to put the harvest on hold, something unheard of for several years.
“We should have started picking a month and a half ago,” Jon said, “but now we won’t start picking until May, where it should have been March.
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