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Commonwealth water holder visits Bourke

The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder, Hilton Taylor (centre), on the banks of the Darling River at Bourke last week, with CEWO Local Engagement Officer, Jason Wilson of Walgett, and CEWO Northern Basin Director, Dr Michael Peat. PHOTO TWH

The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder, Hilton Taylor was in Bourke last week as part of a tour of the northern part of the Murray Darling Basin.

Mr Taylor and officers from the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office (CEWO) spent time in the north, meeting with people from local government, marshland graziers, irrigators, non-government organisations and First Nations representatives.

Mr Taylor said that he and his colleagues work hard to be out in the Basin to see and hear firsthand from local communities.

“On this trip we visited the internationally important Macquarie Marshes and Narran Lakes as well as areas along the Barwon-Darling River,” Mr Taylor said.

“It was fabulous to see the country looking so good compared to a couple of years ago – although I am concerned that some landholders had some bumper crops impacted by heavy rains and flooding”.The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder is a statutory position established to manage all Commonwealth environmental water holdings.

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