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Butler goes in to bat for the bush

Member for Barwon, Roy Butler of the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party. PHOTO TWH

Law and order and hospital staffing levels will be hot topics when Member for Barwon, Roy Butler, and the rest of the NSW parliament get back to business this week.

Mr Butler said he will be making sure the new Ministers in the Perrottet Cabinet continue to uphold existing agreements on policy.

The critical portfolio of Minister for Western NSW has been filled by Nationals member for Dubbo Dugald Saunders and Mr Butler said he was keen to push for the reforms and issues he had worked hard to secure over the past two years.

“These are the first two sitting weeks of the year so there is a lot going on, and it will be time to get questions on notice and make sure policies on things like water and agriculture continue,” he said.

“Recent crime in Bourke and some other communities in the electorate is of concern.

“There have been incidents involving health professionals and people we need in the community, and we don’t want to scare them away because of anti-social behaviour.

“It needs to be dealt with and I am speaking with the local council, the Police Commander and Maranguka.

“There are good proposals that have been endorsed by local Aboriginal nations and the local community and I will be taking some of those proposals to the Attorney General and the Minister for the Environment to have a look at.

“There is a gap in service delivery with young offenders going to court, being bailed back into the community or getting a custodial sentence.

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