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Brewarrina Shire Roads set for big upgrade

Road works are already underway in Brewarrina Shire. Photo contributed

With $14.5 million in road upgrades ear-marked for Brewarrina Shire in the next twelve months, you could be forgiven for thinking the roads will be paved with gold!

As part of the most extensive program of works in the community’s history, the entire improvement program includes major developments and new facilities totalling $43.5 million.

Brewarrina Shire Council General Manager David Kirby said that many of these projects are underway or have been in the planning process for years.

“It’s extremely exciting to see some of the most significant public projects in more than thirty years come to life, with enhancements set to benefit the community for decades to come,” Mr Kirby said.

The extensive schedule of works, including major developments, new facilities, transformations of public spaces, widespread road upgrades, infrastructure advancements, and more, will take place across Brewarrina, Goodooga, Weilmoringle, Gongolgon, and many of the places in between, with some of the projects already underway. […]

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