New technology to control wild dogs
AWI Wild Dog Co-ordinator Dave Worsley with NSW Wild Dog Co-ordinator Bruce Duncan in Bourke last week. Photo TWH
Wild dog control is only possible if landholders opted into new technologies and worked together as a community across all landscapes and boundaries, according to two of the country’s leading wild dog control experts.
NSW Wild Dog Coordinator Bruce Duncan and David Worsley, the North East NSW Wild Dog Coordinator were in the western region last week to promote a series of workshops on technology, and to explain the concept of ‘nil tenure’ in the fight against feral pests.
Mr Duncan is from a social work and agriculture background and said that experience had shown him the battle to control the dogs was won by people working together.
“I’ve always had a theory that it’s better to work with people who want a hand up not a hand out, and that’s the case with the people of the western region,” he said.
“The wild dog program really began when NSW Farmers went to the Australian Wool Industry with the aim to develop and promote coordination and the ‘nil tenure’ approach, which meant working across all properties, all landscapes, whether in government national parks, forests or open rangelands. My job is to get out there and support the people to do that.
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