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Hoping for a bumper crop!

Clyde Cotton employees Rick Salmon, Damien Hollman, Mark Spencer (Farm Manager) and Ben Andrews standing in a magnificent wheat crop at Beemery Station between Bourke and Brewarrina. PHOTO TWH

Farmers in the Bourke and Brewarrina area are hoping for a bumper winter crop after planting a variety of grains over April, May, and June.

Over 4,000 hectares of wheat and barley has been planted on farms stretching from Rumleigh station at Brewarrina, westwards to Gidgee Lake on Darling Farms at Bourke.

John Ellis is the General Manager of Clyde Cotton at Bourke – and he’s responsible for the 550 hectares of barley at Rumleigh, 950 hectares of wheat at Beemery, between Bourke and Brewarrina, and 1,100 hectares of barley at Latoka and Longmeadows near Bourke.

Mr Ellis says its hard to predict an outcome because of the variables of farming, but this crop looks ‘very promising’.

“We’ve just come out of a long drought so this is the first winter crop of any significance in the Bourke -Brewarrina area for about 10 years, and it’s such a good sight to see growing,” Mr Ellis said.

Read more in the printed edition of The Western Herald. Call (02) 6872 2333 today and receive The Western Herald in your letterbox next week!

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