Community stands ‘Together Alone’ for ANZAC Day

Bourke RSL Vice President Kelly Lienesch and Bourke RSL President Victor Bartley at the Bourke Cenotaph on Anzac Day. PHOTO TWH
The annual ANZAC Day march, dawn service and commemoration service were all unable to go ahead this year, but the Bourke community stood united to pay respect to our servicemen and servicewomen.
In driveways, verandahs and street verges, on properties and in homes, residents took part in a unique dawn service, pre-recorded and broadcast across the massive 2WEB audience area.
Although very different than all previous years, many in the community said that this year’s ANZAC Day commemoration was special because of the individual efforts of many people, and because it brought the community together in a different way.
Bourke RSL President Victor Bartley said while it was disappointing the march could not go ahead, the participation of so many residents in this private vigil showed the spirit of the ANZACs was still very much alive in the community.
Read more in the printed edition of the Western Herald.