Wanaaring residents give Council big tick
Bourke Councillors and Senior Council staff members discussing issues at the Wanaaring Village consultation at Wanaaring last Wednesday — left to right Corporate Services manager Leonie Brown, Council GM Ross Earl, Councillor Cecil Dorrington, Robert Bartlett, Debbie Myors, Joan Myors, Ev Bartlett, Simon French, Pat Michael, Gary Heffernan, Greg Standfield and Patrick Taylor (sitting by the door with green shirt) Councillor Victor Bartley and Councillor Sarah Barton Photo: TWH
The Wanaaring and District Progress Association gave Bourke Council a big tick of approval at the village consultation held at Wanaaring last week.
Local residents said they were most impressed with the rapid progress being made in the sealing of the Bourke to Wanaaring Road. They were also happy with the dry weather grade recently carried out on the unsealed section by local contractors.
Read more in the printed edition of the Western Herald.