The Outback has anew Top Cop

A familiar face in policing around Bourke, Brewarrina, Walgett, Lightning Ridge, Cobar and Nyngan has come to stay, and he couldn’t be happier.
The former Acting District Commander of the Central North Police District, Superintendent Gerard Lawson, has now taken over the role on a permanent basis and can now call Bourke his permanent home.
Supt Gerard Lawson is a familiar face in the region and has been instrumental in a range of summer activities for youth and other community policing initiatives.
“I received notification of my new position just prior to Christmas,” Supt Lawson said. “It was like an early Christmas present; I was confirmed as the substantive commander, so it’s no longer acting superintendent, it’s just superintendent.”
Supt Lawson said he has been eager to take on this role for some time. […]
Read more in the printed edition of The Western Herald.
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