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Supporting high risk youth in Bourke

Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton, with the team from CatholicCare at Bourke - Dorothee Crawley, Christine L’Estrange, Anne-Marie Mioche, Amanda McGovern, Jane Kemp, Rozaria Suckling, Nadia Sullivan, Max Robinson, Samantha Smith and Jennifer Stanbrook. Photo contributed

Community safety will be enhanced in Bourke with CatholicCare receiving $760,000 in Federal Government funding to roll out an early intervention project to help divert high-risk young people from a life of crime.

Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton, said the funding has been provided under round six of the highly-successful Safer Communities Fund.

“All local residents deserve to feel safe, and all of our young people should have the chance to achieve their full potential,” Mr Coulton said.

“CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes already provides a range of services to support families across the region, and this funding will allow them to build on this work.

“The project will involve the establishment of the Bourke Youth Van, to facilitate engagement in cultural and educational activities for up to 200 youth. The aim is to reduce anti-social and criminal behaviour by improving the wellbeing and sense of self-worth and belonging for these young people.

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