Save the date for the Bourke P&A Show May 1st 2021

The 2021 Bourke P&A Show is back! And it’s less than 3 weeks away!
After drought and pandemic forced its cancellation for the previous two years, the 2021 Bourke Show is now just weeks away on May 1st and organisers are confident this year’s event will make up for lost time.
Last year’s show was cancelled due to COVID and the year before that it was drought, but this year, there is an optimistic buzz in the air.
Farmers and graziers have stock and produce to exhibit, the community is enjoying a return to better times, the river is running a banker, tourists are back outback in droves, and everything is shaping up for a great day out for the entire community.
Bourke Show Committee President Grace Ridge said after such a long absence it was exciting to once again have the show up and running.
“When the drought was really bad, we had to cancel because we felt it wasn’t fair to ask sponsors and businesses to support us when they were doing it tough.
“Then last year we had to call it off because of the coronavirus, so everyone is looking forward to this year’s show being a really big event.
“We have so many exhibitors, activities and competitions, including the dog high jump, Miss and Master Bourke Show, fireworks, live music, sideshow alley, pet show, whip cracking, the dash for cash foot race, cattle and sheep exhibits and of course the show jumping and horse events,” Grace said.
Read more local news in the printed edition of The Western Herald.
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