Police Chief speaks on Youth Crime and Easter road safety
The new Commander of Central North Police District, Gerard Lawson, has recently moved to Bourke, and has had his say on the issue of the moment – youth crime, as well as other community topics.
“Youth crime is a very complex issue,” Supt Lawson said. “I don’t think there’s a simple answer, but here in Bourke and Walgett, and in the other communities I look after, there’s a lot of work being done by community and government agencies to work together collaboratively, and to get to the cause of the problem.”
Engagement with families, early intervention, and diversionary programs are the key, according to Supt Lawson. He also added that the issue only involves a small minority of young people.
“It’s an issue, but it’s not with all young people,” he said. “Luckily, we can count on one hand, in some communities, the number of youths that do causes problems. The vast majority are already engaged with services and with the community and are very good kids.”
Supt Lawson said working with the youth of the area was one of the reasons he was attracted to the west.
“I love the kids out here, they’ve got character about them and the majority of the kids that I meet are very, very good kids.”
Supt Lawson added he was looking forward to Easter and the community events that are scheduled, but he asked people to be mindful of their responsibilities. […]
Read more in the printed edition of The Western Herald.
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