Plenty of jobs but no housing - Butler
The crisis facing employers in western NSW, from the health industry to veterinary services, tourism, agriculture, and mining, will continue to hinder the growth and sustainability of communities unless the government acts on the housing shortage and childcare, according to Member for Barwon Roy Butler.
Mr Butler said housing and childcare services were the bottlenecks that were adding to the difficulties employers were facing to fill a rising number of job vacancies across an increasing number of industries.
He is calling on the state government to act, including leasing publicly owned houses onto the open market so that potential employees and trainees can take up the plentiful job opportunities across the electorate.
Mr Butler said a recent report on health services raised a bigger issue – that it wasn’t a lack of people interested in working in regional health, it was a lack of housing and the shortage of childcare that forced them to seek employment closer to larger regional and metropolitan centres.
The flow-on effect was that people living outside those centres were disadvantaged when it came to seeking treatment for serious health issues.
“The NSW Local Health Districts are failing is in attracting and retaining staff to run their services.
“I was in disbelief when I read the Regional Plan 2041 Far West, which talked about how those local government areas were serviced by Dubbo, Moree, and Queensland. […]
Read more in the printed edition of The Western Herald.
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