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On-the-job training for childcare workers at Bourke

Bourke District Children’s Services

The Bourke community is very fortunate to have a training program for people choosing a career in childcare.

Bourke and District Children’s Services and the Early Childhood Training and Resource Centre (ECTARC) have come together to provide traineeships in childcare for BDCS employees.

This program aims to equip staff with the necessary skills and knowledge for a successful career in childcare.

Like Bourke District Children’s Services, ECTARC is a community-owned, not-for-profit organisation specialising in the delivery of early childhood training and professional development.

BDCS Human Resources Manager Karen Waller said that by partnering with ECTARC, BDCS can provide face-to-face training in Bourke, with experienced trainers who provide personalised attention and support to each participant.

“They facilitate interactive sessions and group discussions, enabling participants to learn from each other’s experiences and perspectives,” Karen said.

“The program covers a wide range of topics, including child development, health and safety, nutrition, and communication skills.

“Participants also gain practical experience, which enables them to apply the theoretical knowledge they have acquired in a real-world setting,” she said. […]

Read more in the printed edition of The Western Herald.

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