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New Bourke Bore and Pipeline Project completed

Bourke Shire Council General Manager Leonie Brown with Council’s Water Co-ordinator at Walkdens Artesian Bore facility on the Hungerford Road.Photo TWH

Bourke Shire Council has significantly improved water security for Bourke and North Bourke thanks to the completion of a $2 million bore and pipeline project which has been fully funded by the NSW government.

The project began several years ago under the previous NSW Coalition government to diversify the town’s water supply and to drought proof the communities of Bourke and North Bourke.

New bores at Stoney Rise and Belvedere, including the construction of the pipeline and the installation of pumps, which are now connected to the power grid, completes the final stage of the project.

Each of the bores have been fitted with high-tech telemetry which enables Bourke Shire Council to manage and monitor the new infrastructure remotely.

The project has been delivered over the last decade thanks to the financial support of the NSW government – including the present Labor government and the previous Coalition government – to help transform water security for Bourke, ensuring it is better prepared for the next drought.

The new infrastructure will provide a lifeline for the community by providing another source of water for locals to turn to when there is insufficient water in the Bourke Weir Pool to pump from during severe droughts.

The completion of the Bore and Pipeline Project comes following the completion last year of a new 1ML water reservoir in Charles Street, Bourke which replaced the former aged structure which was no longer fit for purpose.

In addition to these projects, the NSW government has committed $357,857 for detailed strategic planning to enable Council to continue behind-the-scenes work for a safer and more secure water future. […]

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