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Moderate flooding expected at Louth and Tilpa after weekend peak at Bourke

The Darling River at North Bourke in flood again. Photo Andrew Drane @

Moderate flooding is expected at Louth in late September and at Tilpa from early October according to the Bureau of Meteorology.

The Bureau is predicting that the Darling River at Bourke may reach 10.50 metres around 18-20 September, with minor flooding.

Minor flooding is already occurring along the Darling River at Bourke, Louth, Tilpa, Wilcannia, and Menindee.

The Darling at Louth may reach the moderate flood level of 10 metres in late September, and the Darling River at Tilpa may reach the moderate flood level of 10.5 metres in early October.

Further downstream, minor flooding is occurring at Wilcannia where the Darling may reach around 9.4 metres mid-October.

River levels at Menindee are likely to remain near 9 metres until early October with minor flooding as WaterNSW plans to maintain release levels.

On Tuesday the Barwon was rising again at Walgett at 7.2m and Brewarrina had peaked at 6.1m on Monday. The Darling at Bourke on Tuesday was rising at 10.25m, Louth was 9.55m and rising and Tilpa was approaching 10 metres.

Rises on the Barwon Darling River are due to good inflows from the Macintyre, Gwydir, Namoi, Macquarie, Bogan, and Culgoa Rivers.

Further rainfall over the upper parts of the Bogan River catchment last Thursday and Friday has caused renewed rises at Dandaloo, where minor flooding is possible.

The main flood peak on the Bogan has passed Gongolgon where moderate flooding is occurring. The Bogan River at Gongolgon peaked at 1.02 metres last Thursday 8 September and is slowly receding, with moderate flooding.

On the Macquarie River minor flooding is occurring at Wellington, and minor flooding continues at Warren, where river levels peaked around midday on Monday.

The Macquarie River at Warren Town peaked at 8.13 metres around midday Monday and is currently falling, with minor flooding.

Further rainfall in Queensland has also caused more flooding in the Bulloo, Paroo, Culgoa, Narran, Bokhara and Moonie Rivers.


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