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Marrabinya takes to the streets in Dubbo

Marrabinya protest in Dubbo. Photo contributed

Last Friday, supporters met at the Rotunda in Macquarie Street, Dubbo, to march in protest of the Western NSW Public Health Network’s decision to defund Marrabinya.

The Marrabinya program started in November 2016 and, since then, has been recognised at international conferences for connecting more than 4,000 Aboriginal people with chronic illnesses to previously unaffordable or inaccessible specialist appointments by paying for the appointment and associated travel expenses.

But despite this, the WNSW PHN has decided to defund the Marrabinya program after December, in favour of a new Integrated Team Care (ITC) program run out of each Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS).

“We are doing our best to get our voices heard because we know the fallout of these changes,” Executive Manager of Marrabinya, Donna Jeffries, said.

“People will miss out on the healthcare they need, and people in remote areas of NSW will suffer.


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