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Lionel returns to Bourke

Former Bourke boy Lionel O’Mally has a message for Bourke investors. Photo supplied

For a small community, Bourke has more than its share of success stories, and Lionel O’Mally is one of them.

Lionel’s extended family includes Grandfather Leon and former Bourke Mayor, the late Wayne O’Mally, but he has made a name for himself all on his own merits.

Lionel has set himself up as a successful financial planner with his own Sydney-based business and he is keen to share his story with other young people in Bourke, to acknowledge that living in a small or remote community is no barrier to achieving goals.

“I loved growing up in Bourke, the people, my friends, fishing in the river,” Lionel said. “I still love coming back but because of COVID, it’s been a while since I visited.”

Lionel grew up in North Bourke with parents John, a shearer, and Tanya.

It was for a very different reason that he originally left Bourke as a teenager. His prowess on the sporting field led to signings with the Under 20s for one of the biggest clubs in the NRL, the Canterbury Bulldogs.

“High school for me started at St Gregory’s College in Campbelltown and then St Johns College in Dubbo where I was known for playing footy with Dubbo CYMS Rugby League Club and winning a comp or two,” Lionel said.

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