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Lightning Ridge Central School joins world of aquaponics

Lightning Ridge Central School Captain Amelia Wilson, Vice Captains Annika Thompson and Sebastian Bogdan and School Captain Adam Newton. Photo Noel Fisher

We have all heard about hydroponics as an alternate way to grow crops, but what is aquaponics?

Aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture (the growing of fish and other aquatic animals) and hydroponics (the growing of plants without soil) in one recirculating environment.

In the aquaponics environment, the fish produce waste that nitrifying bacteria convert into nutrients for the plants.

Lightning Ridge Central School has become one of eight schools in NSW to be set up with an Aquaponics system.

A grant from the Royal Flying Doctors Service (RFDS) has allowed the $50,000 system to be installed beside the Lightning Ridge Community Garden complementing the agricultural component of the school’s curriculum.

School Captain, Amelia Wilson, said it was an incredibly amazing opportunity for her small town.

“I am so grateful that we have been able to have this implemented here in Lighning Ridge, and all the support systems that went into it,” Amelia said.

Adam Newton, the other school captain, also spoke of the great opportunity the Aquaponics system was for the school.

“It gives students a chance to learn where their food comes from, in an age where we don’t know where everything is farmed and now to see it in person is a great thing for the students,” Adam said.

Assistant principal of Lightning Ridge Central School, Margaret Morriss, said that the aquaponics system, or Grow Project as it is known, was good fit for the school as the agricultural program has been running about three years now.

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