Keeping it local
With the grain headers churning through their first week of the harvest, prospects for a terrific crop across the region are looking good.
Clyde Cotton has two properties under harvest in Bourke and Brewarrina and Clyde staff are very positive about the expectations of the crop.
Beemery, located on the boundary between the two shires, has a total of 1,050 hectares of wheat, while Rumleigh Station, southeast of Brewarrina, has 600 hectares.
Mark Spencer, Manager of Clyde Cotton’s Beemery Station, said he is a week into harvest on what he describes as a ‘bloody good crop’.
“We have been really fortunate in our area, that our crops have not been rain affected.
“We will get a great yield from this crop, it looks fabulous.
“It is a slightly later harvest with some rain delays, and a bit of a cold finish to the crop, but it’s still going to be a beauty.
Mark said the fact that other regions had received high rainfall recently was also in their favour, as it will bump up the market price.
Another winner for the district was the fact that both farms had employed all local workers for the entire season and Clyde Cotton is looking at employing even more locals as the summer crops begin.
“All of our employees have been locals and they’re all doing a great job. They’re a great little team of reliable workers.
“We’ve got four Bourke locals permanently employed on Beemery and Jason has three permanent Brewarrina locals on Rumleigh, plus we employ between three and five casuals on top of that.
“I couldn’t remember the last time we had a full local team. We had no backpackers this year – just all locals and it’s been a real success.
And with summer almost here, the prospects for the cotton season ahead are looking just as bright.
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