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Have your say on transport plan

Restoration of the old North Bourke Bridge for bikes and pedestrians is one idea promoted in Bourke Shire Council’s Active Transport Plan. Photo Twh

Bourke residents have been invited to get involved in the final drafting of Bourke Shire Council’s ‘Active Transport Active’ plan when it goes out to community consultation.

Thirty-two construction projects have been identified across the shire, as well as additional projects linking bike and walking projects.

Council’s General Manager, Leonie Brown, said the Active Transport Plan would go on public display for 28 days and she is keen for residents to go through the documents and make any additional submissions.

The plan is a blueprint for the future and was developed by Currajong Pty Ltd through a $75,000 grant.

Mrs Brown said now was the time for residents to have final input to make sure no stone was left unturned.

“That’s the important thing when the plan goes out for community consultation,” she said.

“It’s all about developing projects that will encourage walking and bike riding in the shire and we want that input from each of the villages as well, including North Bourke, Enngonia, Byrock, Louth, Fords Bridge and Wanaaring.

“We have a draft document which is on display on council’s website, and we will also be advertising in the Western Herald and on social media.”

The Active Transport Plan is part of the NSW government’s “Get NSW Active” program, which provided local councils with funding for projects that created safe, easy, and enjoyable walking and cycling trips.

“At this point, council does not have the funds to develop any specific project, but when the Active Transport Plan is finalised, council will be ‘shovel ready’ when grant funding comes up in the future,” Mrs Brown said.

“Funding of some of the identified projects, may be considered as part of the preparation of council’s 2024/2025 draft operational plan, or as funding opportunities arise.”

The good news on the funding front is that $200,000 has already been confirmed and set aside for the development of design plans to seek funding to allow the North Bourke Bridge to re-open for pedestrians and cyclists.

“The bridge was closed due to safety concerns several years ago, cutting off access for pedestrians between Bourke and North Bourke,” Mr Brown said.

“Restoring the bridge is a high priority for residents and visitors and work on this project is already proceeding”.

Mrs Brown said that community feedback would be used to finalise the Active Transport Project Plans.

In the event of no submissions being received, the plan would be adopted for implementation as funding becomes available.


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