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Happy faces at Brewarrina’s Ngunnhu Festival

Locky Dennis and dancers of Milaan Dhiyaan Dance group performed at Friday night’s corroboree. Photo contributed

The Baiame’s Ngunnhu Festival ended on Sunday on the banks of the Barwon River at Brewarrina, after three days of celebration, connection to country and community events.

The Festival was an opportunity for the Brewarrina community and the many visitors to connect to the river, in particular members of the Ngemba, Baranbinja, Morowari, Kula, Laualko, Ualarai, Kamilaroi, Kamu, and Barkindji communities.

The Festival kicked off with the opening ceremony followed by an evening sunset corroboree on Saturday with dance groups from Brewarrina, Moree, Orange and beyond, sponsored by the NSW Aboriginal Lands Councils.

Brad Hardy and staff at the Brewarrina Aboriginal Cultural Museum conducted tours throughout the weekend, with activities for young and old during the special culture and family day events.

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