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Grand plan for Davidson Oval

Bourke Rams players Laura Gordon and Lisa Wade. Inset: The refurbished entrance gates at Davidson Oval. PHOTOS TWH

The development of a masterplan for Bourke’s Davidson Oval could have a significant impact on the future of one of Bourke’s most important pieces of community infrastructure for many years to come.

A masterplan to guide any future redevelopment of Davidson Oval is to be drawn up as the first step towards planning, costing, and funding of new facilities at the oval.

This masterplan could ultimately result in major improvements including a replacement grandstand, change room facilities, seating, food outlets and access.

Bourke Shire Council’s General Manager, Mark Riley, said Davidson Oval was the major sporting precinct for the entire shire community and some of the infrastructure had reached its ‘use-by-date’.

“When council is seeking grant funding and tenders for development, it needs to have a plan that will enable the council to articulate why we need that facility,” Mr Riley said.

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