Funds toupgrade the children’s pool

When the Federal Budget was handed down earlier this month, Bourke Mayor Barry Hollman took a call from the Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton, with some good news – a generous grant which council will use to continue the upgrade of the Bourke pool.
There is now $2.4 million in the kitty to upgrade the shallow children’s pool as well as the pool entrance and kiosk.
Together with the renovation of the 50-metre pool and surrounds, the Bourke Pool is expected to be a stand-out facility for the community.
Bourke Shire Council General Manager, Mark Riley, said council was focused on ensuring renovations did not interrupt the summer swimming season.
“The $2.4 million grant comes out of the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure program, which is a joint State and Federal government fund,” Mr Riley said.
“Once we knew that funding had been approved, council resolved to finish off the whole pool complex.
“The kiddies’ pool will be a program pool, with a gentle ramp for access, no steps, handrails and options for people to do physiotherapy and so on, so it is an important part of the pool complex.
“The funding will also allow for the upgrade of the entrance and the kiosk which is very exciting. We don’t have to complete the work until December 2023, so we’ll start the process now, get all the tendering done and then have eight months to do the work.
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