Community transport restored in Bourke
Losing Wilba, the Empower bus due to vandalism has been heart-breaking for members of the Bourke community, but good news, a temporary transport service begins today – Thursday 19 December.
When Wilba was taken off the road in early November, Assistant Director West, TransportNSW, Holly Davies told the Bourke community that everything would be done to restore this vital transport service.
“We knew we needed to provide something for the community, as soon as possible, especially noting how hot it is out there right now,” Ms Davies said.
Since WiIba was taken off the road, it has impacted residents who have no other transport. Shopping, attending medical and social appointments became difficult. Fortunately, the situation is partially rectified – temporarily at least.
“We’re very proud of the team and what they’ve been able to pull together,” Ms Davies said.
“We were very mindful of how critical this service is in the community and could see that with the patronage of the Wilba service, a solution was needed quickly.”
“I’m thrilled to announce that from Thursday 19 December, a temporary service will be back in action – serving Bourke, North Bourke and the Alice Edwards Village.”
“This service will run by Live Better for two days a week. Live Better is an existing community transport provider in the Bourke community with an existing bus and staff resources.”
“The days of operation are Thursday and Friday, which allows Live Better to link in with the air connection for flights coming in and out of Bourke. Similarly, we will have connection to our NSW train link coach on Friday mornings.”
“More importantly, it will service the community within Bourke for those key connections that have been missing – including medical, shopping, and social activity.”
There is a new booking number for the temporary transport service and flyers have been placed around town to make people aware of this.
“The new number is 12 6391 2433,” Ms Davies said. “The hours of service are Thursdays from 10:30am to 5pm and Fridays from 8:30am to 2:30pm.”
Read more local news in the printed edition of The Western Herald.
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