Calling all former Bourke Pony Club members – gallop to Bourke for Easter

Former members, supporters, families, and friends of the Bourke Pony Club are invited to a reunion during the 2022 Bourke Easter Festival.
The reunion on Good Friday, April 15, is open to anyone who was involved in Bourke’s horse community, from the Pony Club to the races, polocrosse, show jumping and rodeo circuit and former members of the Saddleites.
Lisa Green was like many youngsters who grew up in Bourke in the 1970s, she enjoyed an idyllic childhood with a horse in the backyard and a ready supply of friends to enjoy riding, competing at Pony Club and travelling the region to take part in horse events.
Lisa, who now lives in Dubbo, said she was inspired to organise the reunion after the passing of one of Bourke’s true horsemen, Peter Simmonds, last month.
“It was while we were in Bourke to celebrate Peter’s life that it was really brought home to us how precious our time was, and how we don’t want to leave it to another sad occasion to get together,” Lisa said.
“The Simmonds family was one of the real horse families in Bourke, along with the Morrall’s. My parents, Brian and Jan Green were also heavily involved in horses through the race club so of course, horses were just a part of our life.
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