Brewarrina/Bourke Rugby Presentation finishes the season with a Bang!

Emily Bowden
What a night! Thank you to absolutely everyone who worked behind the scenes to make Saturday night what it was. From the people that spent the morning setting up, to the bar staff (thank you Jenelle and Bevan!) and everyone in between, we appreciate it like you wouldn’t believe.
A massive thank you also needs to go to our sponsors for the 2022 season. Our seasons would not go ahead if it wasn’t for all of you and your businesses putting your hands up to support our clubs one way or another. We are the most appreciative group of rugby players when it comes to our sponsors because we wouldn’t be where we are without them. From the major sponsors to the minor sponsors, you all make a difference every season and for that we say a massive thank you. We can’t wait to have you on board again next year!
2022 was one of our best years and we are so thankful for Brewarrina Brumbies Rugby Club for joining with us. We were both only one game from the big dance and it was a tough game to say the least. 2023 will be even bigger and better as we start to plan things out for next year!!
Everyone looked amazing on Saturday night, and we hope that you all enjoyed your night!
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