Bre LALC takes out top award

The Brewarrina Local Aboriginal Lands Council has won the prestigious national Indigenous governance award.
The award celebrates the highest achieving indigenous organisations in the country and Brewarrina LALC was chosen as the ‘best of the best’ at the awards hosted in Sydney on Friday night.
It was one of just nine national finalists in the Indigenous Governance Awards which recognise the best of first nations organisations and achievement.
Bre LALC Chair, David Kirby, said it was an extremely humbling experience, with three finalists in the medium sized Aboriginal corporations Category Two.
“We went down to Sydney on Wednesday and got to meet the other finalists and spent a couple of days with them, and lo and behold we were the winners in the category on the night,” Mr Kirby said.
“It is something our whole community should be proud of.
“The judging is a strenuous process, with the eight judges looking at how we operate over a period of weeks.
“They talked to members of the community, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, in areas where we apply our governance
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