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Bourke turns out to celebrate NAIDOC Week

Elder Anne Dixon (centre front) is joined at the Bourke NAIDOC celebrations by Ernest Gordon from Billa Muuji Service, Tanya Edwards from REDI.E, Kelly Lienesch from CatholicCare, Dani Deveigne from Community Health, Nola Dixon, Danielle Caruana, and Graham Wright from Orana Haven, Michael and Isaac Amos from the Far West Rural Fire Service, Nakita Morrison and Lisa Chamberlain, and Amanda Bell and Lisa Tiffen from Bourke District Children’s Service. Photo TWH

The official celebration of NAIDOC Week in Bourke last week was a whole-of-community event which saw multiple agencies across the region and a huge crowd of community members come together to celebrate this year’s theme – ‘For Our Elders’.

The event was held at the Bourke PCYC on Wednesday, July 5 and was hosted by Orana Haven, and Outreach Manager Danielle Caruana said she was thrilled the event was celebrated in true community spirit.

“All the community services collaborated and had stalls at the PCYC, we had the beautiful NAIDOC cake which was cut by our local Elder Anne Dixon and in total about 500 people attended, which was fantastic,” Danielle said.

“Uncle Phil Sullivan did the Welcome to Country, the Maranguka Dance group with Jamie Moore entertained everyone, we had stalls and displays provided by the PCYC, CatholicCare, Birrang, Wellways mental health support, the Royal Flying Doctor Service, Bourke Police, the Bila Muuji Aboriginal Health Service based in Dubbo, Bourke and Districts Children’s Services, Mission Australia, the Bourke Aboriginal Corporation Health Service, Bourke Shire Council, NSW Health, REDI.E, the Wilba community bus, the Rural Fire Service, Interrelate and Aboriginal Affairs.

“It was a great turnout and Orana Haven staff brought out some of their didgeridoos and wooden bowls and it was lovely having them on display as well.

“Orana Haven is based in Brewarrina, and we put our hands up to coordinate the NAIDOC celebration, and then everyone jumped on board, pitched in and did their bit to support it.

“The end result was a wonderful day of celebration, and I would like to thank everyone who supported the day and those who came along to be a part of it,” Danielle said.


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