Bourke Pennant teams undefeated after two rounds

Bourke Bowling Club
Both Bourke pennant grades are currently undefeated after two rounds.
Bourke hosted two matches on the weekend with two decisive victories over their round two opponents.
The Grade 7 teams took on Dubbo Macquarie on Saturday with Bourke coming away with all the points, winning 10-0 and a final score of 74-49.
The Grade 5 Bourke team came up against Trangie and dropped one rink on their way to victory walking away with the win 9-1 with the final score 69-51.
This Sunday at 11am both grades are at home against Nyngan in what looks to be some cracking match ups and could well decide which team progresses to the next stage.
Social bowls kicked off on Friday night with 14 players taking to the green. Winners on the night were Dane Edwards and Paul Kelly. The Blue Dot Jackpot didn’t go off so this week its worth $600.
Club Championships have begun with compulsory dates on the board. If games are not played by these dates, they will be forfeited.
