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Bourke Councillors went the distance

At the last sitting of current Bourke Shire Council – Councillors Sarah Barton, Cecil Dorrington, Lachlan Ford, Bob Stutsel, Barry Hollman, John Thompson, Victor Bartley, Sam Rice, Sally Davis and Ian Cole. Photo supplied

Bourke Shire Councillors elected back in 2016 have stayed on course after having their terms extended from four years to a five and-a-quarter-year term.

While some councillors in shires across New South Wales resigned when their term was extended twice due to COVID, Bourke councillors ‘stayed the course’.

Where an election is necessary, candidates for the new councils will finally go to the polls on December 4, with the NSW Electoral Commission saying the election will go ahead, guaranteed.

NSW Electoral Commission Media Manager, Cameron Walen, says getting to this election has been a ‘very big piece of work’ and there have been more than the usual challenges securing staff and volunteers as well as polling booth locations because of the extended delays.

“It’s certainly been a long time in the planning since the September 2020 date,” he said.

Read more local news in the printed edition of The Western Herald.

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