Bourke Council chalks up major achievements

Bourke Shire Council is pointing to its achievements in a newly published 2020/2021 annual report issued last week.
But in taking a wider view, Bourke Council’s General Manager, Mark Riley, said that Council should be proud of its achievements during its extended 5 year plus term.
The big achievements have included significant road upgrades, new infrastructure and community facilities and the honour of taking out the most important local council award – the AR Bluett Award.
Mr Riley said it was a statutory requirement for Council to complete an “end-of-term” report at the completion of each council term detailing its achievements stemming from its Community Strategic Plan and for Bourke, top of the list was its road infrastructure improvements including the sealing of a large part of the Wanaaring Road.
“Obviously, winning the A R Bluett Award, the highest accolade a council can receive in New South Wales, was a major milestone and reflected the progressiveness of council and the community.
“There were certainly a significant number of achievements during the term of the Council that was elected in September 2016 and whose term finished last Friday, 3 December 2021,” he said.
“Some of the other achievements I think council should reflect on are that we established a sustainable emergency water supply with the bores that have been drilled, we made major improvements to the Back O’Bourke Conference Centre, upgraded the main street and Central Park and in 2019 we hosted the entire NSW Cabinet,” Mr Riley said.
“In addition, council rebuilt the water treatment plant and upgraded the Olympic swimming pool, and through its Joint Organisation partnership, was able to restore regular air services.
“It’s important that Council reflect on its 5 and a quarter-year term, extended due to COVID, and for the community to see what has been achieved.
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