Bourke Bowling Club – Race against the clock for June bowls tournament

Fingers and toes are crossed at the Bourke Bowling Club, with the race now on to complete the finishing touches to the Club’s major building upgrade in time for one of the biggest weekend’s on the bowling calendar in June.
Bourke Bowling Club President, Mark O’Shannessy, said luck had been on their side for most of the renovations, apart from the odd pandemic and flood, and that despite those glitches, work had come in close to the deadline.
Now, there are just two upgrades to complete - the plumbing for the watering system and the new fencing around the entire perimeter.
“It’s a bit of a mad panic at the moment because we want to get everything finished before the June long weekend on the 10-12 June when we will have about 60 players here,” Mr O’Shannessy said.
“The plumbers are there now and then the fence will go up and we’re ready to go.
“The plumbing is for the runoff from the roof and the pipes will allow for the excess to water the greens, because believe it or not you still have to use sprinklers on the synthetic greens to keep the underground moist, so it doesn’t crack and move.
“Synthetic greens use about a tenth of the water a normal green uses, but you do still have to water them.
“We must wait for each trade to finish their stages before we can move onto the next part and it looks like it’s not too far away before the fencing can begin, but it’s a race against time now. […]
Read more in the printed edition of The Western Herald.
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