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Both flags raisedon Australia Day at Brewarrina

Mayor of Brewarrina Shire, Vivian Slack-Smith with award winners and nominees l-r: Clare Kesby from Brewarrina Hospital, Katrina Wood – Manager of Bre AMS, Retta Ferguson, Clr Donna Jeffries representing Bre Aboriginal Child & Family Centre, Sportsperson of the Year - Rory Finlayson, Theresa from Ochre Health, Australia Day Ambassador Peter Wilkins, Helen Ferguson, Angus Geddes on behalf of Australia Day Award winner Heather Finlayson, Kelly Turnbull, Ryan Cook from Brewarrina Police, Stephanie Hall from Ochre Health and Christopher Wood – OIC at Brewarrina Police Station. PHOTO CONTRIBUTED BY JEN SHEARER of BREWARRINA SHIRE COUNCIL

nity enjoyed the annual free pool entry and breakfast to welcome in Australia Day 2022, but there was a more significant moment in the event this year.

New Mayor of Brewarrina Shire, Vivian Slack-Smith, said for the first time, the Aboriginal flag was raised proudly alongside the Australian flag to properly represent the Brewarrina community and the need for inclusion on the day.

“The raising of the Aboriginal flag was important, and it comes from me on council last year when I was determined it should happen and I was very pleased it did happen – it was very fitting for our community,” Councillor Slack Smith said.

“A young person who is new on our council, Councillor Doug Gordon, raised the flag, and Paddy Norton always raises the Australian flag, and it was a very fitting moment.

“We had our Member for Barwon Roy Butler as a special guest, and our ambassador Peter Wilkins and his wife Susie present, and that was terrific”, Councillor Slack-Smith said.

“We had seven nominees for our Citizen of the Year Award, which was given to the immediate past Mayor of Brewarrina Shire – Phil O’Connor, who has done a lot for our community, both on and off Council and supported many community groups and events.{…}

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