Bonnie celebrates — and says ‘Thank You’ to Bourke

Former Bourke resident, and marathon runner, Bonnie Smith enjoyed a night of celebration on Friday to thank her supporters during her time with the Indigenous Marathon Project.
Joining Bonnie were legendary Commonwealth gold medallist and founder of the Indigenous Marathon Foundation, Robert de Castella, her coach Damian Tuck, and assistant coach and fellow marathon runner, Tristan Nelliman-Adams
Also joining in the celebrations were family and friends from Bourke and beyond, getting a firsthand account of the trials and successes of Bonnie’s epic running experience.
The celebration was held at the Back O’Bourke Exhibition Centre where guests were shown videos of Bonnie’s training and events and an address from Rob de Castella about the history and success of the Indigenous Marathon Project.
“It was a really good night, with lots of people there to hear my story and hopefully be inspired to follow their own dreams,” Bonnie said.
“The program has 132 graduates now and as part of the project, my role is to create a ripple effect, giving back to the community and encouraging people to go after what they want and reach for the stars.
“It’s about the creation of community by one person doing something positive and the impact that can have on the people around them. […]
Read more in the printed edition of The Western Herald.
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