Bob’s journey from groundsman to cultural educator

Bourke District Children’s Services
Bob Dixon commenced work as a groundsman at the Bourke District Children’s Services in July 2022, but his skills and knowledge have led him to develop his career in childcare.
As a Wangkumara and Barkindji man, Bob found himself interacting with childcare staff and the children, sharing his extensive cultural knowledge.
At BDCS, Bob has become an integral contributor to NAIDOC celebrations, excursions to Gundabooka, Aboriginal arts and craft and traditional cook-ups.
Human Resources Manager at BDCS, Karen Waller said that the other staff quickly realised that Bob had more to offer than working as a groundsman and his role evolved.
“In July 2023 Bob enrolled in the Certificate III in Early Childhood through the Early Childhood Training and Resources Centre (ECTARC)”, Karen said. […]
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