Back O’Bourke Stampede rides again!

The family of Peter Simmonds and the rodeo organising committee have announced that the Back O’Bourke Stampede will run again next year.
After an extremely successful Peter Simmonds Memorial Back O’Bourke Stampede Pro Rodeo held on October 14, the Simmonds family issued a statement on social media thanking everyone for their support and declaring that they would “see everyone at the Back O’Bourke Stampede in 2024”.
By all measure, the rodeo event was seen as a roaring success – with a big crowd, the best rodeo stock available, a perfect venue, the involvement of some of the best riders in the country, great weather and a party atmosphere with music, celebration, and fireworks.
Peter Simmonds’ nephew, Tye Simmonds said that the professional riders were very happy with the rodeo – even going as far to say that Bourke ‘might be in the running for the best rodeo on the professional circuit.
“The feedback from riders, spectators, sponsors, and others connected with professional rodeo indicated that the Bourke event was right up there with the best,” Tye said.
Bourke Shire Council General Manager Leonie Brown said the rodeo was fantastic.
“What a great event! And there are so many people we need to thank for that, from the competitors to the stock suppliers, and the volunteers who put their hands up to come and help,” Mrs Brown said.
“There were so any people involved and they were all so enthusiastic and from council’s point of view I want to thank them all.
“The stampede was run in memory of a special person in Peter Simmonds and that shone through and the way the committee pulled it together was absolutely fantastic.
“And next year we will put the same enthusiasm into organising the rodeo again. […]
Read more in the printed edition of The Western Herald.
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