A sad farewell for Wilba – Bourke’s Community Bus

Bourke’s only public transport – Wilba the Empower Bus has been forced to close due to continuing malicious attacks on the bus, vandalism, break ins and difficulties in recruiting drivers
In a recent break-in the bus was badly damaged, forcing Bourke’s community transport service to close.
After the senseless act of vandalism, police responded swiftly to the scene and have arrested those responsible.
Transport for New South Wales is now looking at a short-term emergency option while also seeking a more permanent solution which will result in bringing back this vital service to the Bourke community.
Wilba hit the roads of Bourke in February 2023 and had secured NSW government funding until February 2026.
During Wilba’s time on local roads, the twelve-seater bus provided a vital transport service where previously there was none. Wilba assisted residents to get around town as well as to the Bourke airport, North Bourke, and Alice Edwards Village.
According to Transport for New South Wales there had often been issues with finding drivers for the bus.
Holly Davies, Director, Regional Community Partner at Transport for New South Wales said it was with great sadness that they had to announce Wilba has ceased operation in Bourke.
“We were formally informed of that last week and in response Transport for NSW is working incredibly hard to get things back on track,” Ms Davies said. […]
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