Bourke Elders Yarning Online OnCountry

Barbara Kelly, Nancy Kelly, Lacey Barker, Gwen Barker, Gertie Darrigo and Dot Martin – weaving as part of the Yarning Online OnCountry project. Photo supplied
Aboriginal Elders from Bourke will be Yarning Online OnCountry as part of a new creative project that will provide a culturally safe place for sharing knowledge, stories and skills, while aiming to improve Elders’ health and wellbeing by minimizing the impacts of social isolation.
“Opportunities to gather in person, have been drastically limited due to COVID-19 restrictions,” said Yarning Online OnCountry Project Manager, Lorina Barker.
“While the restrictions are necessary to ensure the safety of our Elders and our communities, the increased isolation has impacted health and wellbeing. Elders are missing the chance to participate in their usual activities – and to gather with extended family and friends.”
Read more in the printed edition of The Western Herald. Call (02) 6872 2333 today and receive The Western Herald in your letterbox next week!