Bourke Bowling Club reopens

Bourke Bowling Club Manager Lacey Orcher (at front) with club staff members Lynn Hawkins, Nikole Crombie and Steve Dowd, all keen to welcome member back to the club. PHOTO TWH
The Bourke Bowling Club will be open its doors again from next Monday 1st June as restrictions relax allowing 50 people at the club at any time.
The club will be open 7days – Monday to Sunday, from 12noon to 9pm each day to members and guests but the courtesy bus will not be operating until further government health restrictions are lifted.
Club Secretary-Manager Lacey Orcher said that public health rules and regulations are changing weekly, and sometimes daily, but at this stage the club will be open allowing 50 people in the downstairs bar area from Monday.
Lacey stressed that there will still be many rules and regulations in place, including the requirement for patrons to purchase food before they can have access to the bar and the gaming facilities.
“Basically, the club is open for diners, and we will be providing hot food for sale in the downstairs area, and members and guests will have to purchase food to be able to get a drink or to play keno and other gambling,” Lacey said.
Read more in the printed edition of the Western Herald.