Coping with COVID-19 – Show jumping careers on hold

Clay Simmonds with Mum Tracey and horse Codebreaker PHOTO SUPPLIED
Bourke’s equestrian stars Clay and Sally Simmonds were on track for a big year of international competition this year, until the coronavirus interrupted their plans, and the plans of many others around the globe.
Instead of competing on the European and American circuits, Clay and Sally are enjoying some down time with the family in Bourke and keeping their horses in training ready for the call to get back to the competition ring.
Clay has been busy helping his father Peter at Kidman Camp caravan park, using his other professional skills as a carpenter.
“I’ve been working on the cabins with dad, doing some work with my cousin Tye and trying to keep the horses fit and ticking over,” Clay said.
“We’ve just been giving the horses light work for now to keep a bit of muscle tone on them and keep their minds happy.
“Once everything has settled down it should be a lot easier for us to be competition ready,” he said.
Read more in the printed edition of the Western Herald.